Systematic Reviews in Educational Research – Free Download

Systematic Reviews in Educational Research – an Open Acess Handbook

Systematic Reviews in Educational Research

This new and Open Access Handbook of Systematic Reviews in Educational Research covers different aspects of a systematic review: methodical considerations, reflections as well as practical examples and applications. For example in Chapter 2 section 4 a reflection on Transparent Methodological Assessment of Studies is provided.
This book is edited by Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Michael Kerres, Svenja Bedenlier, Melissa Bond and Katja Buntins.

The full book can be downloaded from Springer for free as PDF or as EPUB.

All chapters can also be dowonloaded separately as PDF here.

Target Groups Researchers, instructors, and students in the field of education and related disciplines
ISBN: Print ISBN 978-3-658-27601-0 Online ISBN 978-3-658-27602-7
Licence: CC BY

Thinking in the Universe?

Thinking in the Universe – Are there Intelligent Species in the Galaxy?

thinkint in the universe
Great Stars from Hubble. Photo by NASA.

In his book “Brief Answers to the Big Questions” in chapter three, Stephen Hawking raised the question of whether there can be intelligent living beings in the universe. My answer would be “yes” – there must be intelligent and thinking beings in the universe. But first the question has to be answered what thought processes are needed for – in general.

Thinking becomes necessary living in a changing environment. Through calculating or holistic thinking processes, changes can be anticipated and the chance of survival of a species can systematically be increased. And it can also be assumed that most environments in the universe will change.

Even at the quantum level it can be seen that location and impulse cannot be determined simultaneously. This unpredictability is already hidden in the micro level and probably continues onto the macro level. Conversely, it can be concluded that the unpredictability of many worlds in the universe increases the chance for thinking living beings. On a galactic scale, there should therefore be a multitude of beings who gain an advantage by thinking.

This of course raises the question why we haven’t been visited by extraterrestrials long ago. Stephen Hawking himself gives a possible answer: probably, the aggressive species have usually destroyed themselves, while the peaceful ones have no interest in reaching or destroying other habitable planets.

EARLI 2019 program – full program online

EARLI 2019 program

EARLI 2019 program

The 18th Biennial EARLI Conference will be hosted by RWTH Aachen, Germany. All participants are encouraged to present results and ideas on state-of-the-art research in learning and instruction, specifically around the topic “Thinking Tomorrow’s Education: Learning from the past, in the present and for the future“.

In times of constant changes, the future is a moving target – difficult to predict and prepare for. Yet, education is doing just that. At the 18th Biennial EARLI Conference and the accompanying 23rd Conference of the Junior Researchers of EARLI, researchers in learning and instruction from all over the world come together to discuss current research findings. In order to think tomorrow’s education and education research, it is crucial to relate new findings to what we already know and elaborate how this will help foster sustainable learning processes and navigating what is yet to come.

Dates: August 10th-11th (JURE 2019) and 12th -16th (EARLI 2019)
Full Program: here
Conference App guidebook (IOS): PASSPHRASE: earli2019
Conference App guidebook (Android): PASSPHRASE: earli2019