He was contract teacher at the
Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main in educational psychology and education. Thomas Martens was senior researcher and test coordinator in the Technology-Based Assessment (
TBA) Project at the German Institute for International Educational Research (
DIPF) in Frankfurt and was associated scientist at the DIPF. He holds degrees in psychology and higher education, and a Ph.D in psychology. He served as chair for the “
International Conference on Motivation 2012” and led the International Scientific Board for the “International Conference on Motivation 2014”. Thomas Martens coordinated the
Special Interest Group “Motivation and Emotions” within the European Association for Learning and Instruction (
EARLI) and was Editor-in-Chief of
Frontline Learning Research. He is a project manager in the motivational research project
MotDesign in the joint project “Education 4.0 for SMEs – Competitive Advantage in Lightweight Design through Digital Learning”. Thomas Martens has a strong background in testing and evaluation, e-learning, as well as in motivational regulation.